Tools and guides for doing software development, data analytics, online privacy, and other things.
environment variable or use the --profile
# aws --profile=example configure
export AWS_PROFILE=example
aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************ABCD]:
AWS Secret Access Key [****************efgh]:
Default region name [us-west-2]:
Default output format [json]:
GovCloud does not have Cost Explorer so this will only work with commercial accounts.
Get cost and usage for the past month:
aws ce get-cost-and-usage --time-period Start="$(date -u -v-1m)",End="$(date -u)"
List buckets.
aws s3 ls
# aws s3api list-buckets
List contents of a bucket. To list the contents of a directory, you must append the trailing slash.
aws s3 ls my_bukkit
# aws s3 ls my_bukkit/shells/